This is one of my favourite paintings so far! It is painted with a limited palette of ultramarine blue, hansa yellow light, alizarin crimson, and titanium-zinc white. In between painting chickadee's and the lighthouse, I have been experimenting with limited palettes... just to help me learn how to mix my colours. One of my happy mixes in this painting was a combination of alizarin crimson, hansa yellow light, and white. These three colours (in the right porportions) create an amazing glow on the magnolias and really helps to warm up the flowers.
5" x 7" oil on canvas paper
© 2007
Technorati Tags: art, magnolia, flower, oil+painting, wwao
Very nice Madelaine. It's so difficult getting that creamy warmth on magnolias while still making the petals look right - well done with the new mix.
Thanks Katherine!
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