July 30, 2007


Wow! I can't believe almost a week has past since my last post. Life this past week has been pretty busy... both at work and at home. I pulled in a couple late shifts last week and got my amazon book order on Saturday. I got a couple cool oil painting books (got some great ideas for colours in birds now.... ) and of course... the Harry Potter book. Well... I suppose that explains where I have been since Saturday... have had my nose in a book.

watercolor chickadee painting
4" x 3" oil on canvas paper
© 2007

I painted this bluebird using some colour hints in my oil book. My palette on the bird was indigo blue and cerulean blue with a touch of titanium-zinc white. I think I got the right blue for this guy. I'm not too happy with the flight feathers, but, rather than mucking around with it I decided to call it done.

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