Opening night at
Place des Arts was an absolute blast! It was really neat to see my art hanging in wall and watching people going from wall to wall looking at all the wonderful pictures. I am really motivated now to continue working on some larger works so I could (perhaps next year?) have a solo show.
Opening Night
© 2007
Its amazing sometimes to realize how small the world really is. While at opening night last night I bumped into another artist that I have been conversing with on
Wetcanvas. Amie is also showing several of her reduction cut prints at the same show. It was really neat to meet someone in person that I met online.
Amie and Me
© 2007
I wasn't fully prepared for the opening night (blame it on my lack of experience... this being my first show). Next time, I need to make sure that I bring business cards and I need to work on marketing myself much more during the show (thanks for the tips Amie!).