October 20, 2008

A Little More on Apple Splash

This weekend was nice quiet weekend. I managed to get some work done on a couple paintings, but never actually finished any. There is still a number of water drops and streams to work on/tweak on my apple painting, but I can definitely start seeing the end of the griselle layer (black and white layer).

chickadee watercolour painting
Apple Splash, work in progress
11" x 14" oil on canvas
© 2008

I'm hoping to have a new ACEO/miniature painting to post tomorrow. I've been experimenting with granulating watercolours for the backgrounds and practicing my floral painting skills. I got some absolutely beautiful flowers this weekend from some great friends. I tried taking pictures of them tonight, but they just don't photograph the same without daylight. The batteries are fully charged and tomorrow I'll be snapping lots of reference photos.

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