May 27, 2009

Kingfisher (Finished!) - Bird #1

Finished this guy tonight, unless I see anything else over the next or so that I want to adjust. I'm pretty happy with the background, but have to remember for the future that Arches hot press does not handle washes very well. That, or I got a bummed sheet of paper. Either way, I am almost done that sheet of hot press and then I'll be cutting up some cold press to paint with for a while.

watercolour floral painting
5" x 7" Watercolour
Photo Reference kindly provided by Alan and Elaine Wilson
© 2009


Erik van Elven said...

Hi Madelaine,I think it looks great, you have a way with watercolors. Looking forward to the following 99!

Vicki Greene said...

He is so cute. Good job.

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