June 09, 2009

Captured Moment (Work in Progress) - Bird #4

I started painting my fourth of 100 bird paintings today... a beautiful little swallow based on another great capture by Alan and Elaine Wilson. After finishing sketching this guy out, I've started laying in the darks under the wings and getting the shape in the head with the blues. I love painting swallows and this is my first watercolour version of them.

watercolour chickadee painting
Captured Moment
4" x 6" Watercolour
Photo Reference kindly provided by Alan and Elaine Wilson
© 2009

Earlier this week, I was treated with beautiful weather (before the smog rolled in) with beautifully clear skies. From my studio I spied Mount Baker beyond the grasses and Fraser River. I've been collected photographs from the river and I am hoping (really soon) to start a series of river paintings as a break from all the birds that I am working on.

watercolour chickadee painting
© 2009


Jeanette said...

I am really enjoying this bird series, Madelaine. You make watercolor look so effortless.

Vicki Greene said...

I really enjoy watching your WIP on your birds. Excellent work.

Madelaine said...

Thanks Jeanette! They are fun... but frustrating sometimes... especially when I lose my reserved whites. :)

Hi Vicki! I'm glad you are enjoying the WIP. :)

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