September 06, 2008

Blue and Red

I took a trip up the coast the last couple days to get out of the city and enjoy a little of the 'island way of life'. Sometimes it is a good thing to take a break and catch your breath. I got some painting done (see the little guy below) and I took lots of pictures which I know some will end up as paintings in the future. I've been discovering more of the functions on my camera and I am starting to have lots of fun with it. My favourite function right now: the white balance on the manual setting. My goodness, it sure made some of my ocean photos look so much better! I've also been playing with the macro setting and my flash. I'll post some of those pictures tomorrow once I've had a chance to pick my favourites.

chickadee watercolour painting
"Blue and Red"
2.5" x 3.5" watercolour
© 2008

1 comment:

Vicki Greene said...

What a little cutie! Good job.

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