October 17, 2008

Morning Dew

I'm letting the paint dry on my oil painting for another day (I have a tendency to drag my hand across and through the wet spots...). Tonight's offering is a chickadee amongst some dewy leaves I photographed this summer. I seemed to have waterdrops on the mind lately for some reason....

cardinal watercolour painting
"Morning Dew"
3.5" x 2.5" watercolour
© 2008

Quote of the day: To do in what you love is freedom and to love in what you do is happiness. -- unknown to me


Mimi said...

Madelaine, I saw your cute little chickadees on Wetcanvas and am checking out your website. They are very lovely, animated with bright colors and nice compositions.

my name is Madelaine too!
how about that?

Madelaine said...

Hi Madelaine! Thanks for visiting. :) I've actually never met anyone who spells 'Madelaine' the same way I spell it.

Mimi said...

nor have I. For years I thought I was the only one.
I am thrilled to find a fellow painter with the same first name.

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